In previous blog posts, I've talked a lot a lot about Ayurveda and its practices. I have also talked about the importance of having a morning ritual practice. Dinacharya is exactly that, your morning ritual practice. It's okay if everything listed below is not feasible for your normal day to day, but it is essential if you are planning on doing an Ayurvedic detox as it helps to assist in elimination. If this 9 step plan seems daunting to you, try starting with at least 3 and add on from there. I have been doing my detox this week and I will say, the first 6 only take about 20 minutes to complete, and it'll roughly take you an hour if you do all 9. Here are the practices of Dinachara:
Wake Up with the sun
Vata dominant doshas should be up by 6am, Pitta 5:30am, and Kapha 4:30am. (In reality, try to wake up before 8am otherwise you will be very tired throughout the day. You will also have more time to complete the steps of Dinacharya!)
Oil Pulling
Swish 1 Tbsp of either coconut oil or untoasted sesame seed oil in your mouth for 5 mins.
Tongue Scraping
Scrape your tongue until build up is removed and the scraper runs clear. Finish by rinsing with water or brushing your teeth.
Eye Rinsing
Splash your face and eyes with cold water. If eyes are bloodshot, use distilled rosewater (100% no fragrance or essential oils added).
Use a Neti Pot
Always use purified, warm water mixed with ¼ tsp non-iodized salt. Use as directed.
Tilt your head back and apply a few drops of untoasted sesame seed oil into each nostril.
Drink Warm Lemon Water
Drink 8oz. of lukewarm/warm water mixed with the juice of a half a lemon, and a sprinkle of sea salt (or pink Himalayan salt).
Dry Brushing
Brush your skin in an upward motion similar to shaving. Pay attention where joints are, as that’s where there is more Lymphatic activity. Brush entire body towards heart, with clockwise circles around belly to stimulate digestion.
Abhyanga Massage
your skin with warmed oil (sesame seed oil for vata, coconut oil for pita, and apricot or almond oil for for kapha) in the same direction as the dry brush. Massage until absorbed, shower as usual.
Asana, Pranayama, & Meditation
If no time for a full yoga practice, opt for at least 10 mins of your recommended asanas for your dosha, followed by recommended breathwork and a short, 5-10 minute meditation. Shower, and proceed with your day!