Hosted by Gina Pulisciano
Have you wanted to try yoga but don’t know where to start?
Feel intimidated by taking a class with more experienced students? You’re not alone! This 5 week immersive will show you everything you need to know in order to take any vinyasa yoga class with confidence!
Week 1: What is Vinyasa?
Start where you are. In this first week of our series, you will learn the importance of Asana, what is Vinyasa and how to do it, as well as moving through your first set of sun salutations.
Week 2: Standing Series
Adding on to what you learned the previous week while learning how to properly perform basic standing poses such as Warrior 1 +2, Triangle, and Side Angle Pose.
Week 3: Shoulders + Arms
As we continue to practice what we’ve learned, this week we bring emphasis on the shoulders. You will learn how the shoulders connect with the rest of your body and how to properly flow through a sequence without adding strain. Many shoulder and heart openers will also be added.
Week 4: Hips + Hamstrings
This week is all about the hips, a place where we tend to hold a lot of tension in our bodies. Be ready to explore gentle hip openers as well as hamstring and IT band stretches.
Week 5: Moving with the breath
In our last class of the series, we will move through a basic 1 hour practice blending everything we learned in the previous weeks. You will learn the importance of moving with your breath and just exactly how, where, and when to breathe.